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6 Bladder Cancer Risk Factors

Category: Urology

women with bladder irritationBladder Cancer begins when cancer cells begin to form in the inner layer of the bladder. Bladder cancer is common and can luckily be treated if diagnosed early. It is important to know about any possible risk factors you have for any disease because there may be treatments you can do to lower your overall chances of being diagnosed. Here are 6 risk factors that may predispose you or a loved one to developing bladder cancer.

1. Not Drinking Enough Fluids

It is important for one’s overall health to drink enough fluids, especially water, every day. Dehydration can cause muscle cramps and strain on the body, which may contribute to your risk of developing cancer. Each body needs a specific amount of water. If you take your body weight and divide that by two, that is how many ounces of water you should ideally drink in a day to ensure your body is properly hydrated.

2. Age, Ethnicity & Sex

The chance of being diagnosed with bladder cancer increases with age. 9 out of 10 people who have bladder cancer are over 50 years old. Caucasians are more likely to be diagnosed with bladder cancer than any other race. In addition, men are 3 to 4 times more likely to develop bladder cancer than women.

3. Family History of Bladder Problems & Cancer

Having a family history of urinary problems and cancer is a sign that you may have a higher predisposition to developing bladder cancer. Unfortunately, health problems genetically run in the family, so if you know a loved one that had bladder cancer in the past, it is important to begin taking preventative steps for yourself to ensure you decrease any cancer risks that are in your control. Make sure when consulting your doctor about your concerns regarding cancer that you give them a detailed list of your family’s medical history.

4. Personal History of Bladder Problems

A person is more likely to develop bladder cancer if they have a history of dealing with bladder problems. Chronic urinary infections, bladder stones, and other bladder problems such as frequent urination or urinary incontinence can add to the risk that a person may one day develop bladder cancer. Those who use a urinary catheter are also more likely than the average person to be diagnosed.

5. Exposure to Chemicals

Being exposed to certain chemicals, especially industrial chemicals, raises your risk for bladder cancer. This is because, like other cancers, changes in the DNA of your cells. This plays a big role in developing the disease. Workers in the rubber, textile, and paint industries such as painters, machinists, hairdressers, and truck drivers usually have a higher risk of contracting bladder cancer later in their lives because of the chemicals they are exposed to on a daily basis.

6. Smoking

Smoking is by far the biggest risk factor that contributes to a person’s chance of getting bladder cancer. Smoking tobacco through cigarettes, cigars, or pipes greatly increases one’s risk for contracting diseases due to the unhealthy chemicals found in tobacco. Quitting lifelong habits may be tough, but quitting smoking is the best thing one can do for the health of yourself and your family.

Treating Bladder Cancer at Somerset Urological

If you believe that you or a loved one may be at risk for bladder cancer, it is never too late to discuss with a medical professional. At Somerset Urological Associates, we bring the highest level of empathetic care with our team of qualified physicians. We are devoted to addressing your individual needs with our services and procedures, all offered with the latest technology and medical knowledge. If you believe you may be at risk for bladder cancer, don’t hesitate to contact us and schedule an appointment today!


5 Possible Causes of Genital Itching

Category: Uncategorized

two hands over red genital area because of genital itching

There is nothing to be ashamed of- everybody itches! This particular topic may be challenging to discuss with family and friends, but not with your doctor. Itching down there does not automatically mean you have a sexually transmitted infection or disease, because itchy genitals can be caused by many treatable explanations, but you won’t know until you see your physician. Don’t be nervous or embarrassed to talk about this topic, because it’s more common than you think. What are the possible causes of genital itching? – Keep reading to learn more.

#1. Jock Itch

Red rash, itching, pain, odor? – You might have Jock Itch. Jock itch is a fungal infection of the skin produced by mold-like matters that are also known as dermatophytes. These minuscule fungi exist on the skin, hair, and nails. They are normally harmless but can spread rapidly and cause infections.  They flourish in damp, warm zones like the groin, inner thighs, and hindquarters. Jock itch is predominantly common in men and adolescent boys, where the infection can produce a burning rash and scaly skin. Jock itch is thought to be a minor infection and is easily treatable by your physician. It’s important for you to wash with soap and water by your groin and armpit area on a daily basis. Keep up good hygiene to avoid this type of infection.

#2. Yeast Infection

Did you know that both men and women can get yeast infections? This can lead to an ailment called balanitis, where inflammation is present on the head of the penis (this is more common for uncircumcised males). Yeast infections in males are more common than most people think because the fungus that causes yeast infections exists on damp saturated skin. It can also be present during intercourse with a female partner who has the infection. It is projected that 75% of women will have at least one yeast infection in her lifetime. The vagina is fascinating because it includes a healthy equilibrium of bacteria and yeast- but if something disturbs that equilibrium, a fungus called candida can develop wildly and trigger a yeast infection. Yeast infection causes can vary- from your hormones, diabetes, antibiotics, douches, or even from wearing tighter synthetic clothing. It is important to seek treatment right away if you think you might have a yeast infection.

#3. Public Lice

Hidden, harmless, and hands down easy to eliminate are public lice, also known as crabs. Many individuals experience pubic lice infections every year. Pubic lice feed off your blood, survive on your skin and hairs around your genitals, and are spread during sexual contact.  Getting pubic lice does not mean that you have bad hygiene- even the cleanest individual is vulnerable to crabs if they come into contact with them. Crabs can cause uncomfortable itching and irritation but are not life-threatening. In most cases,  you can eliminate pubic lice with over the counter medications.  It’s estimated that in the U.S. alone, 3 million individuals get pubic lice every year.

#4. Scabies

Scabies is a condition caused by minuscule bugs (mites) that nest into your skin and lay eggs, and this is a highly transmittable skin condition. When the eggs hatch, the bugs will scuttle along the skin, creating fresh burrows that leave behind skinny red trails of little red bumps. Scabies produces severe itching across the genitals, behind, breasts, and knees. You can catch scabies through extended intimate physical contact with someone who is infected. The physical contact does not have to be sexual- it could be from a handshake or a hug, especially in public places such as classrooms, daycares, or nursing homes.  Scabies is usually treatable through oral medication administered by your physician.

#5. Un-Alarming Reasons for the Itch

Not all reasons for genital itching are scary.  Sometimes, the itch could be caused by something as simple as an old razor or an allergen from a new product. New products that come in contact with your genital area could trigger itching or genital skin irritation. Be careful of soaps, detergents, lotions, and other skin care products that come in contact with your sensitive areas.

Treatment For Genital Itching in NJ with Somerset Urological Associates

At Somerset Urological Associates, our objective is to deliver the highest level of care from our highly skilled team of doctors. Scratching and itching your irritated skin can create a bigger problem for you later on. We are dedicated to addressing the needs of our patients with compassion and professionalism through our diverse and comprehensive services and procedures. If you are experiencing genital itching and irritation, please don’t hesitate to contact us and schedule a visit today!


4 Common Urological Exams

Category: Urology

man talking to a urologist during exam about his symptoms

There is a very common misconception that urologists treat only men. This is completely untrue, and if you have any concerns regarding your urological health, your best bet is to make an appointment with a urologist.  If your issue is not taken care of in a timely manner, a minor irritating problem could end up becoming a greater issue down the road. This is why it is so important for your overall health to visit a urologist today! There is no need to feel apprehensive about any urological exams. To have you more at ease, let’s talk about the most common urological exams and what they entail.

Physical Exam

Whether it’s a urinary tract infection or erectile dysfunction, your urologist will start the appointment by asking you a series of questions. This is to record your symptoms, existing health, medical history, and any medications you are taking. Depending on your symptoms, the specialist may examine your kidneys, ureters, bladder, penis, or testis. A physical exam that patients often worry about is the digital rectal exam, used to physically assess the prostate gland. This procedure is simple and involves the doctor inserting a lubricated gloved finger into the patient’s rectum. In doing this, the doctor is able to feel the size and firmness of the prostate and discover any abnormal nodules that could exist.

Urine Tests

A urine test is an extremely simple exam that can help diagnose the reason behind your symptoms. There are different types of urine tests- some of them include:


This urine test is completed in the urologist’s office and requires you to urinate into a sterile cup. The test is able to check for bacteria, blood cells, and other substances. Different outcomes of the urine test could specify if there is a medical condition behind your symptoms, such as kidney disease, a urinary tract infection, or diabetes.

Urine Cultures

The primary goal of urine cultures is to examine if there is any bacteria in a urine sample. This urine test is completed in a laboratory to isolate the kind of bacteria producing the infection. Based on the results, the doctor will distribute antibiotics to kill the bacteria and clear up the infection with sensitivity tests.

24 – Hour Urine Tests

This type of test is a gathering of all the urine collected within a 24-hour period to study if elements such as proteins or hormones are within the standard range. Different outcomes of the test could mean diverse diagnoses, such as kidney disease, lupus, diabetes, or preeclampsia in pregnancy.

Blood Tests

Your blood can tell you a lot about your urinary system. Urologists depend on numerous blood tests to better assess your urinary system and determine the cause of issues like infertility or male erectile dysfunction.  Some of these blood tests may include:

Prostate-Specific Antigen Tests

This might be one of the most important tests to partake in because it has the ability to assist in the finding of prostate cancer or non-cancerous inflammation of the prostate. Prostate-specific antigen is a protein discharged from the prostate gland, which can spread when there is inflammation in the prostate.

Blood Urea Nitrogen Tests

This particular test can help evaluate kidney function. It can test for levels of creatinine in the blood, and a high level of creatinine might mean that your kidneys are not performing correctly. This examination is used to support a diagnosis that changes the blood flow to kidneys, such as dehydration or congestive heart failure.

Testosterone Tests

These tests are used for checking levels of testosterone in the blood. This is mainly for men, when evaluating male erectile dysfunction. To evaluate infertility, a series of additional blood tests is completed.

Ultrasound, X-Rays, and Other Imaging Methods

Sometimes a problem is not always visible or noticeable to doctors. Luckily, numerous imaging methods are used to help get a better glimpse of the problem. An ultrasound is an easy way to detect problems related to your kidneys, bladder, testicles, and prostate gland, such as tumors, cysts, or stones. X-rays are also essential for getting a better look at the problems internally. There are several different types of x-rays; some include injecting dyes into the bloodstream while others may involve a special radiopaque liquid that the x-ray can highlight.

Trustworthy Urologists in New Jersey

At Somerset Urological Associates, our goal is to provide the highest level of care from our highly-skilled team of urologists. We are continuously dedicated to addressing the needs of patients with compassion and professionalism through our variety of comprehensive services and procedures. If you are experiencing any problems that cause you discomfort or concern, please don’t hesitate to contact us and schedule a visit today!


What Can a Urologist Do For You?

Category: Urology

Urologist Helping Patient


You may have heard of urology before, but never thought you’d find yourself needing to go to one. In fact, many people don’t even know what a urologist really does. Well, we’re here to clear things up a little bit for you. To start, it’s important to understand that a urologist is a doctor who specializes in diseases of the urinary tract. They also specialize in the general study and treatment of the male reproductive system, which makes it very important for men, especially as they get older, to check in with a urologist every few months. Now you may be thinking: what can a urologist do for you? Read on to find out!

Treating Infertility in Men

Infertility in men is something that men themselves typically don’t want to talk about. The fact of the matter is that it’s a medical condition that, with professional treatment, can be alleviated or managed. If you’re trying to conceive and are having trouble doing so, then you should consult with a urologist. They can help you determine what exactly is causing this to happen, whether it’s an issue with your sperm, damage to the male reproductive tract, or any other reason. Urologists are there to help aid in what should and can be one of the most exciting times of your life.

Treating Incontinence

Incontinence can be something that ranges from a nuisance to a life changing or debilitating condition. Many people believe that it’s something they must simply accept and deal with on their own, but they’re wrong. If you’re experiencing a loss of bladder control, you should consult with a urologist as soon as you can. Even women should consult with a urologist, especially if you are a woman who was recently pregnant. Pregnancy can cause the muscles in your lower pelvic floor to weaken, which can cause you to lose control of your bladder. So regardless of whether you’re a man or a woman, if you’re experiencing incontinence, a urologist can help.

Treating Urinary Tract Infections

Urinary tract infections, better known simply as UTIs, are something that be extremely irritating and painful. While some people may believe that it will simply go away on its own, this is not the case. If you’re experiencing pain when you urinate, a constant sensation of having to urinate, pain in your lower abdomen, difficulty urinating, or are seeing blood in your urine, then you should consult with a urologist immediately. Chances are that you have a UTI and it needs to be treated properly. While they may have a bad reputation, UTIs can simply be caused by bacteria moving from the digestive tract into the urinary tract. While they’re more prevalent among women, any person at any age can experience a UTI, so it’s important to consult with a urologist if you’re experiencing any issues with urinating.

Treating Kidney Stones

Kidney stones are often times missed until it becomes extremely painful, but a urologist can help you. Kidney stones, which are deposits of minerals and acid salts that form stone-like figures in the kidneys, can pass into the urinary tract. If this is the case, they can be painful to pass. A urologist, however, will be able to diagnose and aid in how to alleviate the pain. In some cases, surgery may be the best option if the kidney stones are too large to pass through the urinary tract. If you’re experiencing pain during urination, nausea, or vomiting, then consult with your urologist to see if you have kidney stones.

Urology and Cancer

In certain cases, pain during urination or other symptoms can be linked directly to different forms of cancer. Urologists can diagnose cancer in the bladder, kidneys, prostate, testicles, or any other form of cancer that may be affecting the urinary system. In any case, one thing is for sure: it’s far better to know than to not. If you think something is off with your urinary system, talk to a urologist about it.

Urologists near Somerset, NJ

While this is just a glimpse into what a urologist can do for you, we hope it inspires you to speak up about any issues you may be having. If you’re seeking a urologist, look no further than Somerset Urological Associates. With a highly qualified and experienced staff, SUA is fully capable and committed to getting your urinary and reproductive health on the right path. If you’re experiencing any discomfort, pain, or abnormalities that you may have questions about, contact us today or visit our office. Nobody should be dealing with the daily discomfort that urological diseases can cause. Come in to SUA today and let us give you the help you never knew you needed.


3 Simple Ways to Handle Kidney Stone Pain

Category: Kidney Stones

man sitting at a desk and holding his lower back in pain

There’s no denying it: kidney stones are uncomfortable. When they are first formed in the kidney they are painless, but once they start passing through the ureters (the narrow tubes that lead to the bladder) they can become extremely painful. If you are experiencing this unpleasant condition, doctors will perform a kidney stone analysis, and depending on the severity of the stones, they may either recommend surgery or simply let you pass the stones naturally. While you are waiting on either of these options, here are three tips for handling kidney stone pain.

1. Drink Lots of Fluids

If you are letting your kidney stones pass naturally, know that it will take several weeks to a few months for them to leave your body. To speed up the process (and thus eliminate the pain), drink lots of water to increase your urinary volume. Doctors recommend that you consume at least 2 liters of water (equivalent to 12 glasses) a day to help this painful process move along, as well as to prevent future kidney stones.

Citrus juices are also known to help with kidney stones, particularly lemon juice, basil juice, and apple cider vinegar. Lemons are high in citrate, a chemical that can break up small stones, allowing them to pass more easily. Lemon juice has multiple other health benefits, as it inhibits bacteria growth. Likewise, both basil juice and apple cider vinegar contain acetic acid, a nutrient that also helps to break down kidney stones. Basil juice is full of antioxidants that can contribute to your overall kidney health. Apple cider vinegar is renowned for its numerous health benefits, and it can help ease your kidney stone pain in addition to helping break the stones apart.

2. Medicate the Pain Away

You can take over the counter medication to help suppress the pain associated with kidney stones. Medications such as ibuprofen (Advil), acetaminophen (Tylenol), and naproxen (Aleve) will help ease the pain, as well as the nausea you may feel when your kidney stone is passing. Ask your doctor for an alpha blocker, which relaxes the muscles in your ureter, bladder, and prostate to allow the stones to pass more quickly. The most popular alpha blocker is tamsulosin, which should be taken once a day to ensure effective results. If your kidney stone is made from uric acid, your doctor may prescribe citric acid, potassium citrate, or sodium citrate to decrease your urine acidity and help dissolve the stones.

3. Implement a Healthy, Plant-Based Diet

A poor diet often contributes to kidney stones. Too much sodium and animal protein is known to cause the formation of kidney stones. Eating a salty, animal protein-centered diet can cause uric acid stones, which occur when there is a high amount of acidity in your kidney. The chemical compound oxalate, a waste product your body produces from certain foods, also contributes to kidney stones. Try to avoid foods high in oxalate such as chocolate, coffee, nuts, soda, and berries, as well as alcohol and fatty foods. Avoiding these factors when eating can prevent the stone you’re passing from growing any bigger. Instead, switch to a plant-based diet that is high in fiber. This ensures that you’re helping your kidney stone remain small and passable, as well as prevents any more stones from forming.

Kidney Stone Treatment in New Jersey

Kidney stones are painful, but Somerset Urological Associates can help lessen your uncomfortable experience. Our board-certified urologists will examine your individual condition and needs, and recommend the best course of action to remove or pass your kidney stones. Our doctors also offer care and utilize the latest technology in all areas of urology, from urinary incontinence to urological cancers. Contact us to schedule an appointment with one of our physicians today!


What Are the Different Types of Sexual Dysfunction & Disorders?

sexual dysfunction

Sexual dysfunction is a commonly occurring problem that affects both men and women. With various causes, it can vary from case to case. Stemming from physical conditions, medical problems, and even psychological ailments, sexual dysfunction, and disorders can be difficult for the everyday person to understand. There are four main categories of sexual dysfunction, which helps us explain and narrow down the exact cause of a specific condition. Understanding these dysfunctions can be crucial, especially when it comes to the patient’s self-confidence and psyche. Let us shed some light on what these different dysfunctions and disorders can mean.

Desire Disorders

Desire disorders are those that affect desires and overall sex drive. Characterized by a lack of interest in sex, desire disorders are also known as libido disorders or just low libido. In men, it can be caused by a low level of testosterone. In women, a low level of estrogen can affect the libido. It can also be caused by various different medical and physical conditions including:

  • Hormone Fluctuation
  • Diabetes and Heart Disease
  • Fatigue
  • Depression and Anxiety
  • Relationship Problems

There are other factors to consider, both psychological and physical, but these are the leading issues for these libido-based sexual disorders. While these may be trickier to diagnose, your specialist will be able to sit down with you and discuss what may be causing the sexual desire disorder and recommend a course of urological treatment options.

Arousal Disorders

Arousal disorders can affect both men and women equally. These sexual dysfunctions make it exceedingly difficult, in many cases even impossible, for the patient to become aroused during sexual activity. It’s not the lack of desire for sexual activity, rather it is the inability to feel any physical pleasure from it. This can occur from depression, anger, drug use, medical conditions, and reduced regional blood flow amongst other things. The most common and well-known arousal disorder is erectile dysfunction, which is characterized by a man unable to achieve an erection during sexual activity. There are several treatments for erectile dysfunction, including therapy and prescription based treatments.

Orgasm Disorders

More common in women, orgasm disorders can still exist in both men and women. This is a sexual dysfunction in which somebody is unable to reach orgasm or it is severely delayed during sexual activity. It can also be attributed to experiencing pain during such experiences. Some of the causes include stress, fatigue, hormone fluctuation, and low libido.

Pain Disorders

Pain disorders exist in those who experience a certain amount of pain during any sexual intercourse. For women, this can be caused by various different afflictions such as vaginismus, vaginal dryness, and UTIs. In men, these sexual disorders can be caused by UTIs, prostatitis, skin conditions, STDs, Peyronie’s Disease, and other causes. The pain from these disorders can also lead to the sexual disorders discussed above such as orgasm and/or arousal disorders.

Receive Treatment for Sexual Dysfunction Today

Sexual dysfunction can be painful, both physically and mentally. As a confusing and often an issue left out of discussion, our goal is to let you know that you are not alone. We at Somerset Urological Associates can help you every step of the way, from diagnosis to treatment and beyond. If you’re experiencing any of symptoms of potential dysfunction, contact us today to set up an appointment. Let us help you get your sex life, relationship, and confidence back on track.


Can Certain Medications Cause Urinary Incontinence?

urinary incontinence and medication

Urinary incontinence is defined as the loss of bladder control, meaning not being able to control your urine flow in any capacity. The severity of urinary incontinence however varies depending on the type of incontinence you have, which may be stress, urge, overflow and functional or mixed incontinence. Either way, urinary incontinence can be an embarrassing problem for someone to have. If you are experiencing urinary incontinence symptoms, one of the places you should check is your medicine cabinet for the types of medicine you have been taking. This is because the certain types of medications discussed below, can in fact worsen or cause urinary incontinence.

What Type of Drugs Cause Urinary Incontinence?

Urinary Incontinence and Anti-Depressants

There is a very select amount of anti-depressants that can help urinary incontinence, but generally speaking anti-depressants can amplify urinary incontinence symptoms. This is due to the impairing affect on your bladder’s ability to contract. The type of incontinence that anti-depressants typically affect is overflow incontinence.

Urinary Incontinence and Diuretics

Diuretics are also commonly referred to as diet pills. The diuretics reduce the blood pressure in the kidneys by flushing water and salt out of the body. By taking this medication, you are actually creating more urine for your body to release thus worsening urinary incontinence. One popular way to try and combat the symptoms related to diuretics are Kegel exercises, which are designed to help you control your urine caused by stress incontinence.

Urinary Incontinence and Sleeping Pills

While wetting the bed isn’t very common amongst people who experience urinary incontinence, it still can happen. They create a problem for people with incontinence at night because if sleeping pills are taken, you are less likely to wake up when your bladder is full. If you are looking for a way to stay asleep all night long, you should consider cutting down on caffeine or completely cut it out of your daily consumption instead of reverting to sleeping pills. Another thing you can do to help urinary incontinence is to make sure that you have a set time for going to bed and waking up each day. This will help train your biological clock to react accordingly.

When Should I Bring Up Urinary Incontinence?

For men and women, urinary incontinence can be a very embarrassing topic to talk about with someone. You should understand though that there is never a wrong time to discuss it and you should openly communicate your condition the second you think you are experiencing symptoms. The more open you are, the easier your doctor can diagnose the possible causes of your urinary incontinence – including the types of medications you are taking. Make sure you prepare for all of the possible questions your doctor may ask just so you’re prepared to have a positive conversation. These questions may include:

  • When did your symptoms begin?
  • Have you ever-experienced urinary incontinence previously?
  • What drugs are you currently taking and when did you start taking them?
  • What activities cause you to leak urine? Exercising, sleeping, coughing, sneezing, etc.?

Urinary Incontinence Treatment in New Jersey

If you are experiencing urinary incontinence, know that there’s always someone willing to help. Since you’ll likely want to receive treatment for the condition as soon as possible, seeking an experienced professional should be a priority. The expert physicians at Somerset Urological Associates can help treat your urinary incontinence in no time. With years of experience in the industry, you can count on them for all of your urological services and procedures. Please contact us today to get started and restore confidence in your everyday life.



What is the Process of Laparoscopic Surgery?

Upon a diagnosis of any given urological condition, your physician will determine the level of severity. Whether or not it may require immediate medical attention, many circumstances will call for a diagnostic imaging procedure or a surgical repair. Urologists will commonly utilize the minimally invasive procedure of laparoscopy as their go-to option. If your health care provider has recommended this method, consider doing a little research on your own before the official treatment date – just so you know what to expect. In the meantime, here’s everything you’ll need to know about the process of laparoscopic surgery.

What is Laparoscopic Surgery?

Laparoscopic surgery is one of the many types of minimally invasive surgeries performed by board-certified surgeons in a wide range of specialized medical fields. Often referred to as “keyhole surgery,” the procedure gets its nickname from the incredibly small incision needed to insert surgical tools into the abdomen. Reducing the size of the opening of the body, patients will experience a faster recovery time with less pain and only a tiny scar when compared to other traditional methods.

Why is Laparoscopic Surgery Performed?

Laparoscopic surgery is commonly performed to proceed with intestinal surgeries or when urological organs need correction or removal. It’s also important to note that all procedures are done around the abdominal area and will minimally interfere with the body. The following are some common urological surgeries treated through the laparoscopic method:

  • Prostate Removal
  • Bladder Cancer Diagnostics and Removal
  • Kidney Sparing Surgery
  • Urinary Reconstruction Surgery
  • Biopsies

Laparoscopic Tools and Equipment

Today’s technological age has gifted professional urological surgeons with the use of robotic hand guided systems. Laparoscopic surgery can now be performed even more efficiently through the use of machine-assisted precision and control. The increased ease of operational use allows the procedure to be conducted quicker and safer while yielding an even better success rate. Through these very small incisions, fine instruments such as the laparoscope, various needles, scissors, hooks, probes, forceps and trocar incision devices will be inserted into the body. The cutting-edge tech that is now associated with laparoscopic surgery allows for some surgeries to be performed through a single incision called “single-site laparoscopy” – decreasing recovery time even more.

The Process of Laparoscopic Surgery

Prepping for Surgery

The first step of surgery starts with the surgeon cleaning and disinfecting the area of the body due to undergo the procedure. They will then sterilize the tools being used to prevent infection. Next, general anesthesia will be administered to the patient before the one to two centimeter incisions is made near the navel – no incision will ever be larger than ½ an inch.

The Laparoscope

Next, the laparoscope, or guided camera, will be inserted through this incision to view the internal organs. Gas may also be inserted into the abdominal wall to easily see the organs and maneuver the camera. The scope will project images on a screen in the surgery room so the surgeon and their staff can view the body in higher definition. Once the area of treatment is found, the surgeon will make additional incisions, if needed, so corrective tools can be utilized.

Post-Op Recovery

Once the specific correction has been made, all instruments and gas in the abdomen will be removed so the incisions can be sutured. Patients typically feel minor soreness around the incision locations. Depending on the laparoscopic procedure that has taken place more intense pain and overnight stays may be required. Typically, pain will subside no more than a few days after.

Board-Certified Urological Associates in NJ

There are many urological conditions that require surgery to ensure your body’s safety and overall health. Before jumping into and accepting the first option presented to you for treatment, you’ll need to do some research on the qualified urological consultants in your area. Experience, innovation and compassionate care are just some of the many factors to consider while seeking professional assistance. Luckily, these elements embody the true philosophy of care at Somerset Urological Associates. As recognized experts in laparoscopy, the physicians of SUA are prepared to treat all patients with the medical care they deserve. Feel free to contact SUA at 908-927-0300 to learn more about our diagnostic and urological treatment options in New Jersey so you can increase your quality of life today.


Does Ibuprofen Affect Your Fertility?


ibuprofen and fertility

If you have ever suffered from headaches or uncomfortable soreness after exercise, you know pain relievers are a quick fix for the problem. Designed to target the source of pain, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) reduce bothersome inflammation caused by natural healing. With increasing data supporting NSAID effects on infertility, now is the time to get educated on the risks attributed to one of the most familiar over-the-counter (OTC) drugs on the market. Here’s how ibuprofen may be affected your fertility.

What is Ibuprofen?

More commonly known by the brand names Motrin and Advil, ibuprofen is one of the most recognizable anti-inflammatory drugs available to consumers. Used to reduce fever and treat pain caused by a number of various health issues, ibuprofen is commonly found in household medicine cabinets in one form or another. Ibuprofen is available in many grocery stores and pharmacies and can be used to treat symptoms such as headaches, toothache, back pain, arthritis, and minor injuries. Working to target prostaglandins, chemicals produced by cells in the body promote necessary inflammation for healing – ibuprofen reduces the fevers and pain associated with this process. So if ibuprofen is so useful and readily available, what can be bad about it?

Higher Infertility Risk For Men

A recent study published in January confirmed a correlation between the household pain reliever and indications of fertility problems in men. The study was conducted for two weeks on 31 athletic men ages 18 through 35. Participants were divided into two groups and specimen samples were taken both before and after the trial. One group was given 600mg of ibuprofen twice a day while the others were given placebo tablets. The study found those who took ibuprofen were more likely to show indications of testicular related problems. Although more common in older men, one of the prominent problems found by the study was a condition called compensated hypogonadism, which directly affects reproductive health. The results showed that ibuprofen negatively affected the pituitary gland. This gland is directly responsible for the necessary production of sperm and testosterone in the male body.

How Do Pain Medications Affect Fertility in Women?

With fertility issues affecting 15% of couples worldwide, men and women split the accountability at an even 50%-50% split. Similar to the effects of ibuprofen on male infertility, a 2015 study was conducted on 39 women to test the relationship ibuprofen had on female ovulation. After just 10 days, the study confirmed a relationship between taking ibuprofen and an experience of disruption in menstrual cycles and ovulation. The group of women involved in the research who took ibuprofen saw their ovulation rates drop to a percentage ranging between 25-75%. Effects of OTC pain relief medications such as ibuprofen have long been suspected of causing health problems, the findings from the latter studies shed light on how little medication is actually needed to interfere with and hinder the body’s natural healing process.

Male Infertility Treatment in Somerville, NJ

If you’ve felt the need to take an over the counter NSAID for more than 3 days at a time, contact your doctor about more advanced – and fertility preserving – pain management options. While the maximum recommended dose for ibuprofen in the U.S. is 800mg up to four times a day, be cautious as this may increase your chances of struggling with fertility. For the best information and service about male infertility treatment in New Jersey, follow SUA on Facebook and Twitter or contact us at Somerset Urological Associates to speak with some experts from our professional team. Give us a call at 908-927-0300 to schedule your appointment and make improvements to your overall health today.


The 6 Secrets to Increasing Male Testosterone Levels


Testosterone (T) is the hormone responsible for men’s physical and sexual development. Produced in the testicles, testosterone stimulates a man’s sex drive with the production of sperm as well as assisting in the growth of muscle and bone mass. Men over the age of 40 may notice some signs of low testosterone as levels begin to drop around this time. Symptoms of low testosterone levels can be subtle but may affect your day-to-day life. Some possible symptoms may include low sex drive, difficulties achieving erection, hair loss, fatigue and mood changes. Here are 6 secrets to try out and increase your testosterone levels.

Shed Pounds to Increase Testosterone Levels

Generally, overweight men are more likely to have lower levels of testosterone. Diet and exercise – or the lack there of – are important factors to take into account when analyzing the hormone reactions within your body. Because of this, testosterone works in an inverse relationship with losing weight and raising T levels. Eliminating processed sugars and excessive carbs are just two ways to trim the waistline and increase testosterone.

Vitamins for Male Testosterone

Decreasing your sugar intake leaves a gap in your diet for nutritional supplements such as vitamins and minerals. Vitamins are an excellent way to increase testosterone levels and overall health. One of the most important vitamins relating to T production is vitamin D. Studies have shown a strong relationship between higher levels of vitamin D in men and increased testosterone levels when compared to those with lower levels of vitamin D. Another essential mineral that assists in higher secretion of testosterone is zinc. With zinc deficiencies on the rise in American men, suppressed levels of zinc have been associated with lower testosterone. Taking vitamin supplements may help reduce your risk of low testosterone.

Stay Active

In addition to changing your diet, exercise is also helpful when trying to raise testosterone levels. Staying active is important with age and is necessary for your body to stay limber. While any exercise helps contribute to a healthier you, opting to do a high-intensity workout has been proven to increase testosterone production.

Rest Up

Lack of sleep can dramatically affect the way your body functions. Adults are recommended between 7 to 9 hours of sleep each night, however many often fall short of this recommended benchmark. This in time can take a toll on your body resulting in reduced muscle growth and weight gain, as well as a suppressed level of testosterone. Men with longer, more regular sleeping patterns tend to have higher levels of T. Understanding the relationship between sleep and overall health is one extra step towards raising testosterone levels in a healthy manner.

Reduce Stress, Increase Testosterone

Due to its strong influence on the body, stress is a crucial component in varying testosterone level. Overwhelming stress may lead to lower levels of T resulting in increased irritability, changes in mood, depression and overall lack of focus. Engaging in more relaxing activities like deep breathing or yoga can limit the negative influences stress has on the body.

Avoid Opioid Painkillers

Known to disrupt normal hormone function, opioid-based painkillers should be actively avoided especially when trying to increase testosterone levels. Opioid-using men will notice an almost 50% decrease in T levels when beginning treatment. This suppression can be found regardless of opioid type or indication of use.

Low Testosterone Treatment in New Jersey

With a range of subtle symptoms, low levels of testosterone often go unattended. To properly diagnose low testosterone in men, a serum testosterone blood test is conducted to accurately determine the current levels. By the US FDA standard, the normal range of T is commonly between 300 and 1,000 nanograms per deciliter (ng/dL). Levels that fall below 300 ng/dL are considered low testosterone and need to be addressed quickly. If you suffer from low T as an adult male, you know that it can affect almost every aspect of your life. If you are a concerned New Jersey resident looking for advice from an experienced medical professional about low testosterone, stop by Somerset Urological Associates for an extensive consultation and urological services. To learn more about SUA, or to schedule an appointment, don’t hesitate to visit or give us a call at 908-927-0300 today.
