Does Ibuprofen Affect Your Fertility? | Somerset Urological Associations NJ

Does Ibuprofen Affect Your Fertility?


ibuprofen and fertility

If you have ever suffered from headaches or uncomfortable soreness after exercise, you know pain relievers are a quick fix for the problem. Designed to target the source of pain, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) reduce bothersome inflammation caused by natural healing. With increasing data supporting NSAID effects on infertility, now is the time to get educated on the risks attributed to one of the most familiar over-the-counter (OTC) drugs on the market. Here’s how ibuprofen may be affected your fertility.

What is Ibuprofen?

More commonly known by the brand names Motrin and Advil, ibuprofen is one of the most recognizable anti-inflammatory drugs available to consumers. Used to reduce fever and treat pain caused by a number of various health issues, ibuprofen is commonly found in household medicine cabinets in one form or another. Ibuprofen is available in many grocery stores and pharmacies and can be used to treat symptoms such as headaches, toothache, back pain, arthritis, and minor injuries. Working to target prostaglandins, chemicals produced by cells in the body promote necessary inflammation for healing – ibuprofen reduces the fevers and pain associated with this process. So if ibuprofen is so useful and readily available, what can be bad about it?

Higher Infertility Risk For Men

A recent study published in January confirmed a correlation between the household pain reliever and indications of fertility problems in men. The study was conducted for two weeks on 31 athletic men ages 18 through 35. Participants were divided into two groups and specimen samples were taken both before and after the trial. One group was given 600mg of ibuprofen twice a day while the others were given placebo tablets. The study found those who took ibuprofen were more likely to show indications of testicular related problems. Although more common in older men, one of the prominent problems found by the study was a condition called compensated hypogonadism, which directly affects reproductive health. The results showed that ibuprofen negatively affected the pituitary gland. This gland is directly responsible for the necessary production of sperm and testosterone in the male body.

How Do Pain Medications Affect Fertility in Women?

With fertility issues affecting 15% of couples worldwide, men and women split the accountability at an even 50%-50% split. Similar to the effects of ibuprofen on male infertility, a 2015 study was conducted on 39 women to test the relationship ibuprofen had on female ovulation. After just 10 days, the study confirmed a relationship between taking ibuprofen and an experience of disruption in menstrual cycles and ovulation. The group of women involved in the research who took ibuprofen saw their ovulation rates drop to a percentage ranging between 25-75%. Effects of OTC pain relief medications such as ibuprofen have long been suspected of causing health problems, the findings from the latter studies shed light on how little medication is actually needed to interfere with and hinder the body’s natural healing process.

Male Infertility Treatment in Somerville, NJ

If you’ve felt the need to take an over the counter NSAID for more than 3 days at a time, contact your doctor about more advanced – and fertility preserving – pain management options. While the maximum recommended dose for ibuprofen in the U.S. is 800mg up to four times a day, be cautious as this may increase your chances of struggling with fertility. For the best information and service about male infertility treatment in New Jersey, follow SUA on Facebook and Twitter or contact us at Somerset Urological Associates to speak with some experts from our professional team. Give us a call at 908-927-0300 to schedule your appointment and make improvements to your overall health today.
