Does Adult Circumcision Affect Sexual Performance?
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One Study Provides Interesting Insight
For men who have had an adult circumcision – and those who are questioning whether to go through with the procedure – determining how a circumcised penis affects sexual performance is a hot topic of discussion. Fortunately, a unique study published in the Adult Urology journal reveals the consensus, answering the question once and for all.
Adult Circumcision
A cultural norm in the United States, male infants usually receive a circumcision shortly after birth. A surgical procedure that completely removes the fold of skin that covers up the penis – known as the penile foreskin – circumcision is one of the oldest, most trusted surgeries known to date. Men who get circumcised as adults are given local or general anesthesia, and can expect the doctor to retract the foreskin and trim it off. The skin is removed by either the dorsal slit or the sleeve technique, which varies from patient to patient, depending on specific circumstances. Sutures are then used to close the incisions that were made, and although the penis might be swollen or bruised, the patient is able to go home the same day of surgery. Benefits of circumcision include a simpler way to keep up with genital hygiene, a decrease in local infections, treated phimosis and a lessened risk of tears and bleeding during sexual intercourse. While it is a safe and efficient surgery, patients should always be provided with a substantial amount of information ahead of time.
Important Findings
The Adult Urology journal study, conducted by lead researcher Temucin Senkul – a urologist in Istanbul, Turkey – chose 42 men to work with, all around 22 years of age. Evaluations of their sexual activity revealed their sex drive, ejaculation, satisfaction rates and any issues they were having. None of the men had been taking anything to promote their erections or performance. Three months after their adult circumcision surgeries, the men were evaluated in the same exact way, and Senkul found an interesting trend – almost all of the men had taken much longer to ejaculate during sex following a circumcision. The reason? Senkul feels that the prolonged ejaculation is a direct result of the circumcision, which is known to lessen the penis’ sensitivity. He also noted that it could be because the men – who were all Muslim – could have felt an increased boost of self confidence, since circumcision is representative of manhood. The final outcome of the study proved that adult circumcision caused the men to experience delayed ejaculation, which is usually associated as a positive factor in male sexual performance.
What Men Should Know
Regardless of the study’s findings, it is not advised that men request an adult circumcision procedure with the only end goal of enhancing their sexual performance. This isn’t recommended even with the intention to cure premature ejaculation, as the surgery was not meant for this purpose. There are, however, so many other medical reasons for a man to get circumcised during his adult life. Adult circumcision lowers the risk of some sexually transmitted diseases, such as human papillomavirus (HPV), chlamydia and genital ulcers. It also treats phimosis, a condition in which the foreskin covers the penis too tightly, and decreases the risk of HIV transmission. Moreover, penile cancer is almost never found in men who have circumcised penises. In addition, the health risks associated with an adult circumcision procedure are low, and the cost of the surgery varies based on the type of anesthetic you receive.
Consult Your Physician About an Adult Circumcision
Urologists play an important role in the discussion leading up to a man’s decision to have an adult circumcision procedure, as they diagnose and treat urinary tract diseases and conditions in men – including the reproductive tract. At Somerset Urological Associates, we are an experienced team of board-certified physicians who are extremely skilled in all aspects of general urology. We are affiliated with five hospitals in the New Jersey area, and have spent the past 60 years building success on superior patient service. If you are considering an adult circumcision, or have any questions regarding the surgery, you can reach us by phone at 908-927-0300 to set up an appointment.