5 Surprising Causes of UTIs - Somerset Urological Associates NJ

5 Surprising Causes of UTIs

urinary tract infection

When you get a urinary tract infection it can be a painful experience. The symptoms of a urinary tract infection include burning sensation when you urinate, not being able to urinate, and/or foul-smelling urine. Although both men and women are susceptible to obtaining urinary tract infections, it is harder for men to get them. For both genders however though, once you do get a urinary tract infection, you are then more likely to get another one. In order to not obtain a UTI in the first place, or obtain another, below we tell you some surprising cause of urinary tract infections.

Sugar Problems

You may not have known this but the more sugars and added sugars that you consume can increase your chances of a UTI. This is because it can cause an increase in your blood sugar, which can end up in your urine. UTI bacteria enjoy feeding on sugar, so when you have sugar you are inviting that bacteria to cause an infection in your urinary tract. It has also been shown that diabetics are also more likely to get a UTI than a non-diabetic.

Your Sexual Habits

One sexual habit that is sure to get you a urinary tract infection is the more sex you have the more likely you are to get one. There are bacteria from the vagina during sex that can move into either the man or woman’s urethra anytime you have sex. Another sexual habit, or lack thereof, that can get you a UTI is not peeing after you are done having sex. This is because urinating after you have sex can eliminate the after burn as well as releasing any bacteria that did find its way into your urethra.

Certain Birth Control Methods

While birth control is obviously recommended in sexual situations for the prevention of pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases, some of them can cause a UTI. A diaphragm can cause a UTI for women because it puts pressure directly on a women’s urethra, which increases your chances. Also, unlubricated condoms can cause UTIs in both men and women due to an increase in irritation. Try to use lubricated condoms instead to avoid UTIs at all costs.

How You Wipe

This surprising cause of a urinary tract infection may not be as common knowledge as some of the others may be. There is a certain way you should wipe after you are done in the bathroom, especially if you want to avoid getting a UTI. How you should wipe is from front to back, because if you wipe back to front you can bring bacteria towards the urethra. Bacteria from your bowel can cause a urinary tract infection that would be especially painful.

You Don’t Properly Hydrate

If you are to drink a lot of water, it will in turn make you urinate frequently. Frequent urination cause by water, is actually a great thing for the human body. Drinking plenty of water can flush out the possible bacteria in your urethra through urination before it can take hold and cause an infection.

UTI Treatment in New Jersey

Urinary tract infections are easier to get than it may seem. We discussed some not so commonly known ways that one can obtain a UTI. However, with the amount of possible causes of UTIs there is always a chance you can get one. If you do get one you should visit the trusted physicians at Somerset Urological Associates in Somerville, New Jersey. Contact us today to schedule an appointment for your UTI treatment, or to learn about other services and procedures that Somerset Urological Associates provides.
