Prostate Conditions and Treatments in Middlesex
Middlesex Prostate Specialists
Prostatitis is a condition where the prostate gland becomes inflamed or infected. Common symptoms include swelling, pain, urination problems, sexual dysfunction, and feelings of tiredness and depression. Somerset Urological Associates can treat patients in Middlesex for Prostatitis at our Somerset location, just minutes off of Route 22.
The most common type of prostatitis is known as Chronic Prostatitis, which is an inflammation of the prostate with no apparent cause. Acute Bacterial Prostatitis, the most easily diagnosed type of Prostatitis, is due to a bacterial infection within the prostate gland. Chronic Bacteria Prostatitis occurs when bacteria slowly grows in the prostate, and spreads much less quickly than in acute bacterial prostatitis. Asymptomatic Inflammatory Prostatitis is the most difficult type of prostatitis to diagnose, since it presents no symptoms and is usually found when a patient is being examined for something else.
Prostatitis is one of the most common urological diseases in the United States, affecting upward of 50% of men in their lifetime. Men should seek a medical exam if they are experiencing any symptoms. At Somerset Urological Associates, a digital rectal exam is utilized to make a diagnosis. Treatment usually includes antibiotics and self-care. All of our prostatitis diagnosis takes place in our Somerville location, just a short drive down Union Avenue from Middlesex.
Erectile Dysfunction Treatment in Middlesex
Erectile Dysfunction, otherwise known as impotence, occurs when an erection cannot be sustained long enough for sexual activity. Erectile Dysfunction is caused by many things, such as medications, chronic illnesses, poor blood flow, drowsiness, or the consumption of alcohol, and it’s not uncommon to experience an erectile dysfunction every once in a while. When the inability to maintain an erection becomes a reoccurring issue, it’s recommended to contact Somerset Urological Associates.
Most treatments for erectile dysfunction revolve around lifestyle changes, like cutting back on alcohol and tobacco, adjusting current medications, and taking a prescription medication that will aid in erection. Additionally, counseling and therapy may be recommended to reduce performance anxiety and stress. If these treatments are ineffective at helping to maintain an erection for sexual activity, an implant may be surgically attached within the penis to cause an erection.
Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) is a disease that causes the enlargement of the prostate gland. BPH is not a cancerous disease, but can cause severe problems with urination. About half the men aged 75 and older are affected by BPH. Our team may perform a digital rectal exam or a urine test to determine the presence of BPH, but treatment is usually not recommended unless the associated symptoms becomes too much to deal with.
BPH treatment is similar to treatment for erectile dysfunction, in that it mainly revolves around lifestyle changes and adjusting medications that may restrict urine flow. If these treatments are ineffective, we may recommend a procedure to reduce the size of the prostate.
Somerset Urological Associates is located at 72 West End Avenue in Somerville, NJ. Our proximity to cities and towns along I- 287 and Route 22 allows us to serve the greatest amount of people for a single location. To arrive at our office from Middlesex, patients can travel west on Union Ave, where you will find our office to be right past the Somerville Public Library. If traveling from Middlesex to Somerset Urological Associates on Route 22, take the jug handle for Grove St, and follow that down until you reach Union Ave, where you’ll make a right and find our office 5 blocks down on your right.
Prostate Doctors and Treatment
To schedule an appointment if you are from the Piscataway, NJ for prostate treatment or prostate cancer screening, call 908-927-0300. Somerset Urological Associates is located at 72 West End Avenue Somerville, NJ 08876.